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Easy Lava Cake

My husband is fond of Home made lava cake especially in winters it is so much fun to make this cake and have it with your loved ones.


4 cubes of unsalted butter

2 cubes of any dark chocolate ( i used the chocolate which has 99% coco for great taste)

4 to 5 cubes of any sweet chocolate

sugar 2 tbsp

2 eggs

2 tbsp of all purpose flour

(This is for Two servings)


1. Cream the butter and sugar

2. Add eggs one at a time and whisk them well

3. Melt both chocolates in a microwave or double boiler and add to the mixture

4. Prepare the cups by greasing them with butter and refined sugar

5. Bake it in the middle grill at 180'c for mints

6. Take it out and sprinkle some icing sugar on top

Basically lava cake is the under cooked cake you just bake the outer side and keep the batter uncooked inside to have a lava so please do not over cook it.

Don't give up if you fail first time Practice makes man Perfect, keep trying :)


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